Thursday, July 28, 2005

Now That's a Pop-sicle

So I hear on the news that a man was forced to pay child support for a child that shouldn't have been born. "What?" you may ask. Well, here's the story.
This couple was married and they were having trouble having children. So the man underwent a procedure which ended with the hospital freezing his sperm.
The couple then divorce and the man stops paying for the storage of the sperm with the understanding that, if her was no longer paying for them to store it, they would destroy it... that was the contract. Unbeknownst to him, his ex was still making the payments and was regularly making a withdrawal. Finally, 2 and 1/2 years after their divorce, she comes to him demanding child support for "their" 8 month old son. He had no knowledge that she was doing this and, in fact, he though his sperm was destroyed.
Now, for the kicker... he lost the case. He has to pay $600.00 a month in child support.

Now, I realize that this is no way the child's fault, but I would either want 100% custody of the child and never let him know his mother or I would walk away completely. It's not like a night of unprotected sex or drunken... whatever. This was totally behind his back and he had no part in it at all.

I don't feel that he is legally or morally responsible for this child at all. No more so than an anonymous donor at a sperm bank.

Hmmm... your thoughts

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


There are things out there that just kinda annoy the piss outta me. Just stupid questions, and statements and such that we all are guilty of (myself very much included) that I want to share with all of you. Also, much like Chan, I am fond of lists and relish every opportunity to make one:

1. People who will spend 20 minutes searching the entire house for the remote control instead of walking 2 feet to the TV and changing the channel manually

2. The saying "You want to have your cake and eat it too." You're damn right. Why have the cake if you can't eat the fucking thing.

3. You lose something and some schmuck says "It's always the last place you look." No shit. Why would I continue looking after I found the damn thing I lost.

4. When a product claims to be new and improved. Well, which one is it. If it's new than there has never been anything before it hence no improvements could be made and if it is improved then there was a version prior to the "improved" one so its not new.

5. When someone tastes and/or smells something that is, by all appearances, the most God awful substance on the planet and then they offer it to you so that you may share in their private hell. What an asshole.

6. When people say "life is short." No, it's not. Living is the longest thing you are going to do (Judeo-Christian afterlife beliefs aside, that is). What are you going to do that is longer than life?

7. Why do people always have to use their thumb and pinky finger in some asinine "I'm holding a phone" gesture when they want you to call them?

So, these are just some of those things. Thanks for tuning in. I'm here all week, please tip your waitress.

Pow, Right in the Nuptials

Man... I never really realized how much is involved in setting up a wedding. I know, I know, some of you are thinking "Uh, didn't you do this before... duh." But let's face it... that was kind of a KMART version of a wedding... this time, its the real deal.

Fortunately, we chose a place that is "all-inclusive." The ceremony and reception all in the same place. They do the decorating, the catering, the entertainment and the cake. Nice. One would think... there isn't much left. One would be soooo wrong.

Jill just got her dress... that's one huge hurdle and I've set everything up for my (and my groomsmen's) tuxs... another hurdle. But now we have invitations and honeymoon plans and flowers.

Then we have to choose the menu and cake fillings... Don't get me wrong, I am so excited and I am loving doing this, I just didn't realize how much was involved. Thank goodness we have this place that will do most everything. I can't imagine having to put it all together ourselves.

I think the worst part is the wait. We get all excited about getting things ready and setting it all up, but we still have to wait 9 months.

I can't wait. I am so excited and not just about the wedding. I'm excited about the marriage. I can't wait to be married to Jill.

Oh, for those of you just joining our show already in progress... here is a pic of my fabulous bride to be with her nephew.


Monday, July 18, 2005

There's No Had Like Jihad

There is a lot involved in completely crushing someone spiritually. I don't just mean reducing them to crying in the fetal position as they think about their mothers and the weird uncle they had who used to love playing "ride the pony" and "betcha' can't touch me there" games. I mean, that's fun too, don't get me wrong... I'm speaking here of destroying someone's soul to the point that life itself is without meaning and they renounce their religion... in fact they renounce all religions. It's very strenuous.

Maybe I should figure a quick and easy path, write a guide and then mass market it on QVC or the TV Guide channel that shows stuff while it lists what's on for the next hour and a half. Yes, then I would sell millions of these guides.

But, alas no... then everyone could do it. Where's the fun in that.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Harry Potter & the Half-Black Pop Singer

What happens when Harry visits The Neverland Ranch.....

So, the new Potter comes out tomorrow. I am very excited although I cannot read it until I am done with The Dark Tower. I'm sure it will be wonderful. The 2nd to the last of the series. Hmmm.

My wonderful and amazing fiancee recently gave me a copy of the new Alanis Morisette CD that is the 10th anniv. of Jagged Little Pill. Is she great or what? Jill I mean... well, for that matter Alanis is too, although in a different way. Anyhoo... the disc is amazing. I loved it all and there were 3 that stand out so much I think they are better than the original versions. If you are a fan or even enjoy her music a little, go to Starbucks and get a copy... it's worth it.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Down With the Sickness

In case you weren't sure... being sick sucks. Yes, oh yes it does. I'm finally starting to feel better after 2 days of shitty. Probably the flu, but I'm heading to the Dr. today just to be sure.

It's funny though, when you at home curled under a blanket on your couch all day, you start to think of all sorts of weird things.

- I want to preface this by saying I loved Signs, but some things don't make sense. The beings have mastered interplanetary travel and such, but they can't figure out how to open a friggin door? Also, instead of trying to break into the basement, why didn't 3 or 4 of them just start unloading their gas into that small enclosed space and call it a day?

- Why is it that a superhero can kick the ever lovin' shit out of 15 supervillains without a problem, but another villain will always come along who thinks he will be the one to defeat the hero even though he's more of a wimp than the ones who were defeated before him? Doesn't make any damn sense. For that matter, the super heros are all in major cities... New York/Metropolis/Gotham, LA etc. so why doesn't a super villain go kick some ass in Kansas? By the time anyone got there he (or she) could do their evil shit and run.

- In Jedi, the Emperor tells Luke 2 different stories, 1 that he is supposed to kill Vader and take his place and/or 2 that he is supposed to kill him (the Emperor) and rule with Vader. Now granted, Vader still has some good in him, but that wasn't really brought to the surface until Luke was in serious danger. So, why didn't Vader cut up the Emperor's ass long before that and assume the role of supreme ruler?

- Speaking of oddities in the Jedi arena, if you've seen Clone Wars the animated series (and if you haven't you should, it's great) you saw Mace Windu take on a slew of robots and at one point he uses the Force to simply pull apart their screws and bolts and they fell to pieces. Why couldn't Obi-Wan do that to General Grevious? True he was partially alive, but he could have removed his robotic parts then he would have been seriously screwed.

See what being sick does to a person? Sad.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Long Weekend

Did live 8 rock? Why yes it did. From Pink Floyd to Sting to Linkin Park I thought is was absolutely amazing. So many people (over 1mil in Philly alone) and such a great cause. It was one of those days that made me feel good to be alive and renewed some faith I have in humanity.

Beyond that... an all around good weekend. Fixed up the house a bit, spent some good, quality time with Jill (and had some fantastic nookie) and enjoyed Monday afternoon with the family. The only bummer... no fireworks on the Strip. What the hell was up with that? For years I've watched the Strip shoot off fireworks and this year... nada. I felt so jipped (is that how it's spelled?). It wasn't too windy out, other places were shooting off fireworks, and if I hear any bullshit about "heightened threat and/or terror alert" I'll puke.

Oh well. Some good some bad but all of it interesting.

As for tonight... Jill and I are hitting the spa for nice massages and then a romantic night just the 2 of us. I love it when we have the night off together (very rare).


Friday, July 01, 2005

Just be Cause

So I know that there are dozens of causes out there that ask for this and that to help this and that, but I have found one I truly believe in. It is ONE. If you aren't familiar with it, please go check it out and see for yourself.

Perhaps you've seen the commercials with myriad stars of film, tv and music in white shirts in b/w film talking about it. It is an organization trying to wipe out global poverty, hunger and AIDS. They don't ask for donations at all, just your voice.

Also, if any of you are free on Saturday, check out MTV as they will be running Live 8, a group of concerts with over 100 artists in numerous countries across the world. They are gathering to send a message to the world leaders who will be in Scotland on Tuesday for the G8 summit.

So, I'll get off my soapbox (for now) and just ask again that you check out the site. And maybe pass it on to a few people... the more voices the better.