Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Long Weekend

Did live 8 rock? Why yes it did. From Pink Floyd to Sting to Linkin Park I thought is was absolutely amazing. So many people (over 1mil in Philly alone) and such a great cause. It was one of those days that made me feel good to be alive and renewed some faith I have in humanity.

Beyond that... an all around good weekend. Fixed up the house a bit, spent some good, quality time with Jill (and had some fantastic nookie) and enjoyed Monday afternoon with the family. The only bummer... no fireworks on the Strip. What the hell was up with that? For years I've watched the Strip shoot off fireworks and this year... nada. I felt so jipped (is that how it's spelled?). It wasn't too windy out, other places were shooting off fireworks, and if I hear any bullshit about "heightened threat and/or terror alert" I'll puke.

Oh well. Some good some bad but all of it interesting.

As for tonight... Jill and I are hitting the spa for nice massages and then a romantic night just the 2 of us. I love it when we have the night off together (very rare).



At 12:40 PM, Blogger GFreak hurled...

I think it's "gipped", but I'm not sure.


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