Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Back in Vegas

Well, I had a wonderful vacation, but like all good things, it too had to end. So, I went from a cool 73 to a hot 103; from a beautiful, lush green to a drab brown. Ah well, taking the "goods" with the "bads" I do love it here.
The big news... I am officially engaged. Yes, that's right, I am taking the leaop for the 2nd time. Sometimes first tries are the mistakes we have to make to get it right the next time. And this time, I know I got it right. So, I am very happy. Jill was surprised and delighted and, thankfully, said yes.
Oh, did I forget to mention that I love her family.... well, I do! They are beyond amazing. So, I really have no complaints as far as that goes... I have a wonderful family of my own and now I have an amazing set of in-laws... SCORE!!!


At 11:34 AM, Blogger Greg hurled...

Thanks... you guys still coming out here in July? :-)


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