Friday, June 24, 2005

Change can do ya good

So, I've changed the title of my blog. I did so mainly because I didn't want to make anyone leery about checking out the site just because I dropped the F-bomb in the title. I also didn't want to come off like some pimply-faced jerk-off teenager who is so excited because he can use the word 'fuck' in print without his parents finding out. Although, I must admit that it does pain me to remove a nod to my favorite writer/director (if you aren't sure what I mean go rent Clerks and listen to the name of Olaf's metal band) but I feel all is happier this way. Sorry Chan, I guess you gotta alter the link on your site... oops.
Does this mean I'm getting older?
Does this mean I'm more mature?
Does this mean I like having goldfish in my pants?
Who knows. And more importantly, who cares; not me.

I had a fabulous dinner last night. Jill made this incredible spaghetti sauce. I know what some of you are thinking "spaghetti sauce is easy, anyone can do that." Well, yes, that may be so, but not anybody can make it like that... with so many flavors mixing with such subtlety... that takes some talent.

Going to see Batman tonight, I'm told it is excellent, I am very excited.

Come, swim in my stream of consciousness.

So, another work day draws to a close (who am I kidding, I've got a show and then rehearsal... my work day won't end until 10:30pm) and the murky haze and ash from acres of forest fill the sky.
You should have seen the moon last night, it looked like blood.


At 10:57 PM, Blogger GFreak hurled...

What the hell is Ka-Tet 19?
By the way, on the Ebert and Ernie post, "ccw1220" (who commented about Pitt kicking Angie's ass or something like that) is the older brother of my college roommate... and the 4 Ninja Food Groups was related to me by Ron Diggity, another 'Tech classmate of mine.

At 7:59 AM, Blogger Greg hurled...

I didn't get to see it after all, I'm so bummed. My friend I was going to go with got a touch of the stomach flu... nasty business that... so I must wait a bit longer.

Greg, I do love the 4 Ninja thing... so funny


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