Monday, July 18, 2005

There's No Had Like Jihad

There is a lot involved in completely crushing someone spiritually. I don't just mean reducing them to crying in the fetal position as they think about their mothers and the weird uncle they had who used to love playing "ride the pony" and "betcha' can't touch me there" games. I mean, that's fun too, don't get me wrong... I'm speaking here of destroying someone's soul to the point that life itself is without meaning and they renounce their religion... in fact they renounce all religions. It's very strenuous.

Maybe I should figure a quick and easy path, write a guide and then mass market it on QVC or the TV Guide channel that shows stuff while it lists what's on for the next hour and a half. Yes, then I would sell millions of these guides.

But, alas no... then everyone could do it. Where's the fun in that.


At 8:18 AM, Blogger Greg hurled...

And all the Kool-Aid you can drink... he, he, he.


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