Hypocrisy Unbound
So everyone is using a "My Site" or some abortion thereof and this is their great outlet of their creative self. What the fuck. People have pictures and movies and songs and backgrounds all going on. It's becoming a contest... see how neat and creative I can be with my site... doesn't yours suck compared to mine. If I could (it will violate the precious little photography rules) I would make my background a close-up of my cock and balls... from behind, you know, bulldog style.
Then people have crazy fonts and spinning pictures and all sorts of wild shit. The worst is when they don't even use their fucking name. Now I understand something like my buddy Dan's site... Just lil' ol me... that still references him, no big deal. But I get annoyed by these jack-offs that use Nightmare Origins, Unhappy Prism, Nosferatu's Smile, Skippy Johansen, Tree-fucker Willy, and other such shit. Just use your fucking name. Yeah, we know, you're creative, you're unique, you're an individual... just like the millions of other creative, unique individuals out there.
And what ever happened to e-mails and... dare I say it... phone calls. I know these sites are great as you can reach many people at the same time, but have we become so self important that we can't take some time for a little one-on-one?
Ah well... here's to technology.
"bulldog style"
I can't stand the music videos and stuff... I'm just waiting for some kid to have an epileptic fit induced by someone's MySpace page, that'll get the lawsuits started... after all, the internet doesn't have the "flashing lights" warning that my GameBoy, XBox, and PS2 had, which can also be found on the first page of EVERY video game's manual...
You'd think that if there was that much risk, you'd be seeing a lot more kids walking around with half a tongue, no?
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