Thursday, October 06, 2005

Going Postal

So, I've come to a new realization... I pretty much hate everybody. I don't know if things have just gotten worse with each generation, but it seems like the asshole to decent person ratio is tragically skewed.

I'm not referring to the seriously evil fucks who rape, murder and or abuse children... I'm referring to the daily assholes that we all encounter in our lives. If you still don't know who I'm referring to, come see me at work, I can introduce you to several of them. Oh, and on your way here, you're sure to pass several more on the road.

I'm talking about the pricks who piss on the bathroom floor... no, not just on the floor, but they are too lazy and thoughtless to control the stream and keep it all in the urinal. Or those who use the public restroom, but then don't flush it.

I'm talking about the jack-offs who cut across 4 lanes of traffic, cut you off and then hit the brakes. Or the ones who, when there is a line in the lane you are in, get out of the line... drive ahead... and then force their way back in. Or the worthless fucks who, on the freeway on ramps, don't merge as they should, but instead drive all the way until the on ramp becomes the exit and then force their way over.

Oh, and I can't leave out these degenerate camel-blowing scumbags... the ones who litter all of their shit into the environment. Now, I'll admit, when I was a smoker, I did, on occasion, throw a butt out the car window and yes, that is bad and yes, I am a turd for it. But these sick shit-eaters I'm referring to are the ones who decide, while stopped at a red light, to open their door and throw the remains of the Wendy's dinner they had (drink, cup, bag and all) out into the street.

I won't even get started on the worthless dog-ball licking fucks in my office... that would take up far too much space.

Anyhoo... please forgive my rant, but sometimes it's good just to get it all off of your chest. I don't by any means view my self as perfect, but I do believe in courtesy and I try to be a decent person. I just fear that people with decency and manners are quickly becoming the minority.



At 9:00 AM, Blogger GFreak hurled...

Now now Greg, be a good boy and take your medicine... that's a good boy, down the hatch, there, see how beer makes it all better?

Hey man I gotta talk to you. When's a good time to call? I know you have a busy sched what with Tony&Tina and a fiancee and all...


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