Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Pull the string, Pull the string

So, next week I have to go to Phoenix and be in this lame ass corporate skit for our sales force. Several things make this lame:

1. With the exception of yours truly, the "cast" is all made of of the sales managers of the various home loan centers in our region. In other words, for an actor, this is the 3rd ring of hell.

2. Non of the people we are performing for give a shit. We are doing this for all of the loan consultants in the region. They don't care fuck all about the happy little skits in this demonic abortion of a variety show that we are putting on. The care about sales and the processing systems working. Thats it.

3. And this is the worst one... the skit I'm in is a version of Star Wars and it has been so aptly re-named to Loan Wars. Now, fine, you want to do a take off on Star Wars, no problem. But then you should have someone write it who at least has a vague concept of the 6 films... or at least the original holy trilogy. Worst case, have someone who knows the films edit the fecal matter that was written. Instead, I have to play C-3PO in this circus of shit. I'm not bragging (as I freely admit that I am not a writer) but I could have written a better script drunk and with the pencil in my ass.

Oh well, such is life. At least I'm out of the office for 2 days. I was able to sidestep one HUGE landmine. I booked my own room and feigned ignorance that we were supposed to do it through the corporate system. Why may you ask... because booking it through corporate means they would assign me a roommate. No fucking way! It's bad enough I have to go do this shit, I'm not rooming with some schmuck I don't even know.

Oh well.


At 10:57 PM, Blogger GFreak hurled...

So what you're saying is that you could write a better script on any given Tuesday night?

And why aren't you being a good, social, corporate monkey? It sounds like the real purpose of this trip is to "build relationships" with some of your cow-orkers -- the skit is just a front.

At 10:07 AM, Blogger Greg hurled...

Yeah, I know it's all about that "team building and handjobs" stuff... but I still don't like it. I'd much rather be at home.


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