So, I have been so excited recently. I have re-discovered one of my favorite shows and I'm about to re-discover 2 more.

I just purchased the DVD of Greg the Bunny, the entire series. It was honestly one of the funniest things ever on TV. It was witty, intelligent and wonderfully written... hence it was cancelled before the season even ended. But, I strongly recommend this show to anyone who is slightly warped. And for those of you with cable, IFC (the Independent Film Channel) is running new episodes of G the B.

The other 2 shows... Well, the first one is another case of a funny well written show that lasted less than a season... The Tick. Not the cartoon, but the live action one with Patrick Warburton. Again, the entire series is available on DVD.
And in October a DVD is coming out for any of you Nickleodeon fans from the late 80's/early 90's. Duckula is coming to DVD. Yes, that's right the original vegetarian vampire duck. I can't wait.
And lastly, there is another less than a season series (I'm telling you, the best stuff gets canceled) that I was advised was wonderful and I must get.... Firefly. I am a Joss Whedon fan and all, but I'll probably wait and see the movie first and if I like it, I'll get the series.
So, yes I know it may seem small and simple, but such are the things that make me smile.
All of these shows get my