Insane in the Membrane
So I firmly believe that there is a very fine line between "normal" and insane. I don't think it is only to the extreme of rolling around in a diaper full of oatmeal while you are trying to defend your chair from the family cat. No, I'm talking about true daily insanity.
See, I believe that the insane simply lack the "inner voice" that says "No, perhaps you shouldn't do that. It really wouldn't be good" and so they act or speak in ways that might strike the "normal" person as peculiar.
For example... Say you are at work and you are having a really frustrating day due largely to the underskilled excuse for a boss that you have riding your ass like Seabiscuit. So, you think to your self for a moment... "Man, it would be funny to go into his office, give him the finger and shit on his desk." You get a slight chuckle then you return to your private hell. The insane person would defecate on said desk without hesitation.
Another example... Say you're talking to a good friend or even a family member and it is a happy, pleasant chat. Then, ding, the though crosses your mind "I could haul off and smack this person and they would so not expect it." Not that you have any anger or hostility toward them at all, quite the opposite, in fact, which is why your surprise attack would work like gangbusters. However, you don't do it. Why? Because you aren't batshit crazy. Although it would be funny as hell.
Just something to think about... who knows, maybe the next time you accidentally bump into someone's cart in the grocery store, you may have inadvertently acquired the wrath of a wacko who would just as soon pummel you with red potatoes, leap upon your now prone body and feast upon your soul.
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